General Information


We have no school uniform in Stapolin ETNS but would recommend that your child wears comfortable clothing. Infants, in particular, have a very active day so they should wear clothes that enable them to move freely.  We also ask that you teach your child to take off or put on their coat and how to open and close zips, buttons, buckles and laces. Zips are preferable to buttons and elasticised clothing is ideal and Velcro shoes are preferable to laces.


All absences should be explained to the class teacher/the school in writing. This may be done by a note or by sending an email, outlining the reason for the absence (this information is required for absence reports to the Education Welfare Services (TUSLA)). It is not necessary to phone the school.

Under the Education and Welfare Act 2000, if a child is absent for more than 20 days, a report must be sent by the school to TUSLA, the Child and Family agency.

We discourage parents from booking holidays or trips abroad during term time unless absolutely necessary. This practice has a negative effect on the education and well-being of your child in school and is very disruptive of your child’s learning.


It is important for you as parents, for your child and for us in Stapolin ETNS to have open, positive communication with each other. If you have any queries, problems or concerns regarding your child please contact your child’s teacher to make an appointment to meet with him/her. It is not always possible for the class teacher to meet ‘on the spot’ so in order for both teacher and parent to get the most of such a meeting please contact the school in advance to arrange a time to give you the attention and privacy that you may need.

When making an appointment, it helps to indicate the nature of your concern so that accurate preparation on the issue can be made.

In addition, if there is a change in home circumstances (illness, separation, or anything that you may feel may affect your child) please let us know. I assure you the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality in the matter.

Our primary form of communication is through the Aladdin Connect App, text and email. Please let us know if there are any changes to your contact details.

The Curriculum

Stapolin ETNS teaches the Primary School Curriculum as required by the Department of Education and Skills (DES).

There are eleven subjects in the Primary School Curriculum:

Visual Art
Physical Education
Social Personal Health Education (SPHE)

In addition, Educate Together’s Learn Together Ethical Education Curriculum is taught alongside the Primary National Curriculum. Learn Together includes learning within the four strands: Moral and Spiritual; Equality and Justice; Belief Systems and an Ethics and the environment.

Copies of the Primary School Curriculum available at

Special Education Needs

We welcome all children into our school. In relation to applications for the enrolment of children with special educational needs, we do request a copy of the child’s medical and/or psychological report. Where such a report is not available, we request that the child be assessed as soon as possible. The purpose of the assessment report is to assist the school in establishing the educational needs of the child and to access the support services required. Following the report, the Board of Management assesses how the school could meet the needs specified in the report.

If you notice that your child is struggling with any aspect of schooling, let us know. Likewise, we will inform you if we have any concerns regarding your child’s educational, physical or emotional development. If this occurs, please do not panic. It’s better to find out concerns at an early stage to provide support.

Parental Involvement

Parents have a range of talents, abilities and skills (a skills bank, by nature) that have the potential to enrich and extend the educational opportunities provided for the children. In line with the principle of equality-based education, parents may actively participate in and make a valuable contribution to the school at every level, including:

• Going forward for election to the Board of Management

• Becoming a member of other committees – Parent Teacher Association or a School Community Development committee.

• Fundraising

• Volunteering to share a hobby, skill or interest during school hours in agreement with the class teacher and principal.

• Helping the principal and teachers with extra-curricular activities and trips.

• Gardening

• Suggesting and getting involved in various projects with the pupils and teachers

• Supporting initiatives in literacy and numeracy.

Code of Behaviour (Positive Behaviour Policy)

The Code of Behaviour in Stapolin ETNS aims to foster a positive atmosphere in which every child can learn, develop and reach his/her full potential. The Code of Behaviour enables teachers and pupils to work in an attractive and well organised environment where acceptable patterns of behaviour are followed and where self-discipline, based on mutual respect is fostered. Our school aims to encourage self-control among our pupils. A copy of the Code of Behaviour will be given to you before the school year begins. We ask that you read through it and complete a form signing that you have read and accept our policy.

Health Matters

In Ireland, the Health Service Executive (HSE) administers a range of childhood vaccinations and screening tests for sight and hearing through the schools. Parents will be required to sign a consent form before any vaccination or screening.

If your child has a particular health need such as an allergy, asthma, diabetes etc, it is imperative that you advise the school. The school should be made aware of the name and address of your family doctor.

Medicines are not administered by the class teacher except in chronic circumstances. In these circumstances, prior approval must be sought from the BOM and a Medical Information Form must be completed and signed by the parent or guardian.  Please do not put medicines in your child’s schoolbag as this poses a health and safety risk to all pupils.

Please ensure that your child gets adequate sleep each night. Insufficient sleep causes poor concentration and also contributes to inability to cope with ordinary everyday tasks.