A Treat!

To celebrate the end of the Active School Week, we all enjoyed a treat of some ice cream. Wafers, ice cream and sprinkles! A delightful combination!

Active School Week – Sports Day

We have been so lucky with the weather this week and we had a fabulous day for our Sports Day! The children had a great time. They took part in loads of different activities. Between the sunshine and the exercise, I’d say everyone will sleep well tonight!

In the Allotment

The children have been working so hard with Anna over in the allotment. They planted cucumbers, radishes, beans, peppers, parsnip, corn, beetroot, lettuce, carrots and tomatoes. We are all looking forward to some tasty lunches soon!!

Active School Week – GAA

Day three of our Active School Week was all about GAA. Thank you to Neil O’Driscoll, from Trinity Gaels who comes in to us every Wednesday to work with the children. They had great fun today working with both footballs and sliotars.

Bubble Fun!

We had great fun in the yard today with our new bubble machine! It was actually quite windy and the bubbles were moving so fast. The children really enjoyed catching the bubbles!

A Bug Hotel

The children have started building a Bug Hotel in our yard. They have been so creative and brought in lots of different stones, pieces of wood and little pots. They worked with Anna today to build the first floor. We can’t wait to see what bugs and insects visit our hotel!