Carol’s Junior Infants have been reading Handa’s Surprise so were tasting the different fruits.
Category: News
Sight Words
Carol’s Junior Infants have been practising their sight words by making them using marla!
Lorraine’s First Class created menorahs using their handprints for Hanukkah.

Procedural Writing – Rocky Road
Tara’s Class found a really tasty way to practise their procedural writing yesterday! They worked together to make Rocky Road and then they wrote a recipe for it. Think they enjoyed the eating part best!!
Science Week
The children all had a great week for Science Week. They tried a range of different experiments from exploding coke bottles to volcanos to seeing if egg shells have holes! It was great to see them so interested and really thinking about why things happen. A huge thank you to Tara’s Class for demonstrating some of the experiments for the rest of the children. They did a super job of explaining them.
The children learned so much about the Hindu festival of Diwali. Some of the children who celebrate were able to teach their classmates a traditional dance and some very kind parents made Diwali treats to share. The children enjoyed drawing Rangoli patterns and we were delighted to see some children dressed up in their traditional clothes to celebrate Diwali!
Rangoli Patterns
Tara and Lorraine’s Classes have been creating Rangoli patterns to celebrate Diwali. We love the colours and shapes!
Halloween Dress Up
It was a weird and wonderful place here in Stapolin today for our Halloween Dress Up Day! Great fun had by all.
Maths Week 2021
All of the classes had great fun celebrating Maths Week this week. We found lots of opportunities for maths around our school!
Junior Infant Cooking!
The Junior Infants used the last of the pumpkins from the allotment to make pumpkin soup. They did a great job preparing the vegetables and mixing it all up. They really enjoyed the soup with some toast.