Safety Week

We had Safety Week in Stapolin ETNS from the 19th to the 23rd September. The children discussed and explored lots of different areas of safety.

Nadia from Water Safety Ireland spoke to all classes about the PAWS programme and the importance of Water Safety. Donal from Dublin Fire Brigade spoke to the children about Fire Safety. The children thoroughly enjoyed both speakers! Thank you.

A special thank you to Tara and Lorraine for organising the week for everyone.

Teddy Bears’ Picnics

The Junior and Senior Infants went to Parkside for their Teddy Bears’ picnic and Lorrain and Tara’s Classes went down to Father Collins Park. Both groups had a lovely time. we were very lucky with the weather!

DLD Class Graduation

We are so sad to be saying goodbye to our first cohort to graduate from Tara’s Class. We have absolutely loved having them as part of our school community. Thankfully some of them are staying with us!

Sports Day

We had a great day for Sports Day on Monday. The children took part in a whole host of different activities. The highlight of the day may have been the ice cream van though!! Thank you to the PA for organising.

Multicultural Week

We had a fantastic week for Multicultural Week! The children worked on project from different countries, brought in a huge variety of items for Show and Tell and played multicultural board games. We had some parent volunteers come in to read to the children in their mother languages and we finished off with an amazing Multicultural Food Tasting event!

We had a ball for the week. We are so lucky to have such a diverse school community from which we all learn!

Trip to W5

Tara’s Class travelled by train to Belfast for their school tour. They visited W5 and City Hall. They had a great day.

Red Mountain Open Farm

The Junior Infants, Senior Infants and First Class had a great day in Red Mountain Open Farm this week. The sun shone and there was loads to do! They saw lots of animals and even had a fun ride being pulled by a tractor!

ASW – Soccer

For our final day of Active School Week, Sharon and Carl came to help the children work on their soccer skills. Lots of fancy footwork on display!

Thank you to Sharon and Carl and to Fingal County Council for the equipment.

ASW – Activity Stations

Day three of our Active School Week was Activity Stations. The children used lots of different equipment. The parachute, the hockey sticks, the hula hoops, the skipping ropes. Think the favourite for many of them is the parachute!

ASW – Cycling

Day two of our Active School Week was Cycling with Prince. The children used bicycles and scooters to navigate a tricky course! They really enjoyed it and there was something for all abilities. Thank you to Prince.